act of sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent, either through force or the threatof force or through fraud. By the late 20th century, there was a tendency to enlarge the definition of rape to cover any act of sexual penetration against the will of the victim; this definition includes forcible sodomy, the victim of which may be another man or a child. Most jurisdictions do not treat as rape an act of sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife against her will.
Rape is considered to be a serious crime and is treated as a felony in most countries with common-law systems. But in many rape trials the issue becomes whether or not the victim consented to sexual intercourse. The determination of consent can lead to distressing cross-examinations of rape victims in court, and, in light of this probability, many rape victims fail to report the crime to police or refuse to press charges against their assailant. Even when brought to trial, those charged with the crime have a higher-than-average rate of acquittal, mainly because of the difficulty in proving a crime for which there usually exist no other witnesses besides those involved in it. But where guilt is established, rape is usuallytreated as a serious crime, and most persons convicted of it receive sentences of imprisonment.
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