my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

the universe , still we are in dark

the universe is infinite in time and space.we do not know when it began or when it will end.of course ,human conception of the universe or space as is now better known, has been changing with th e passage of time.

when the universe was first conceived of as an orderly unit,it was called COSMOS ,as opposed to chaos,and the studies relating to the cosmos were known as cosmogony or cosmology. today we speak of them as space and space sciences.

a regular enquiry into the universe was first instituted in AD 140 by claudius ptolemy,a graeco egyptain astronomer. he propounded the theory that the earth was the centree of the universe and that the sun and other heavenly bodies revolved around it. there have been several theories since the more important of which are given below.later sun is the center of the universe.but further study argued the solar system iwas only a part of much vaster star system called the galaxy.the universe thus became quite extensive comprising millions of stars scattered about the milky way.

as the 20th century opened,it seemed that the milky way galaxy with its cluster of over a hundred billion stars together with their attentant satellites tha magellanic clouds, and pointed out that there were other so many galaxies in the universe and that the universe consisted of millions galaxies like the milky 1929 hubble proved that these galaxies are flying away from each other and that the farther they are,the faster they fly. this meant that the universe is expanding like a ballon that is being blown up.

so wait for many theory and study results.

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