my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Monday, August 27, 2007

Snakes are becoming predictor

China has come up with an earthquake prediction system which relies on the behaviour of snakes.the earth quake bureau in nanning,capital of the guangaxi autonomous region in southern china,had developed its system using a combination of natural instict and modern technology.of all the creatures on earth,snakes are perhaps the most sensitive to earthquakes,bureau director said,snakes could sense an earthquake from 120 km away, three to five days before it happens.they respond by behaving strangely.

Now alcohol become medicine for artritis

Drinking a moderat amount of alcohol each day could protect against arthritis a study on mice but it is applicable to humans as well.artritis ,a disease of the joints, is the leading cause of disability in people over the age of 65.earlier studies have found that low or moderate alcohol intake benefit people in number of ways ,such as lowering the risk of heart disease. however,it is also well known that drinking too much causes the new study ,researchers gave mice injections of collagen, aprotein to induce rhematoid arthirtis, reported the online edition of BBC news

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

toilet aquarium

the aquarium toilet tank -a attractive product

home renovators looking to bring life to the smallest room in their home now have the chance with a toilet that doubles as an aquarium.the fish n flush is a clear two piece toilet tank that replaces a standard toilet tank ,with a see through aquarium wrapping itself around a conventional tank.we wanted develop a product that had a dual purpose-to serve as a proper ,fully functional toilet and also as a source of entertainment and conversion said Devon Nicolea, marketing director of California based designer aqua one technologies inc.,which has just started to selling the tank.

Monday, August 6, 2007

what you mean by rape? define other than this?

act of sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent, either through force or the threatof force or through fraud. By the late 20th century, there was a tendency to enlarge the definition of rape to cover any act of sexual penetration against the will of the victim; this definition includes forcible sodomy, the victim of which may be another man or a child. Most jurisdictions do not treat as rape an act of sexual intercourse by a husband with his wife against her will.Rape is considered to be a serious crime and is treated as a felony in most countries with common-law systems. But in many rape trials the issue becomes whether or not the victim consented to sexual intercourse. The determination of consent can lead to distressing cross-examinations of rape victims in court, and, in light of this probability, many rape victims fail to report the crime to police or refuse to press charges against their assailant. Even when brought to trial, those charged with the crime have a higher-than-average rate of acquittal, mainly because of the difficulty in proving a crime for which there usually exist no other witnesses besides those involved in it. But where guilt is established, rape is usuallytreated as a serious crime, and most persons convicted of it receive sentences of imprisonment.obligationtobritanicaencyclopaedia

was god an astronaut?

who created mankind?according to some researchers the answer lies with those who came from beyond the stars. the imagery of extra terrestrial visitors who came in from other planets, and possibly even other galaxies, to seed the human race is a fascinating one,althoughhighly speculative. erich won daniken, who popularised this theory with his book,chariats of the gods believes that these visitors- termed as ancient astronauts- landed on earth when the planet was still in its infancy. as part of their breeding experients they seeded the first human being and imparted them with the skills required to set huminity on the path of evolution.

James Bond will soon be subject of a scentific study

Monies on the fictional briish super agent james bond have ad no trouble captiating the french public.nom however in an attempt to showpeople that 007 was first a literary character and an important one at that academics from the french national library,the universities of nanterre and versallies and european centre for audiovisual writingare getting togethr for a three day conference where the topic is creator IAN Fleming.oganisers of the conference insist that Ian Fleming's novels have not recived the same kind of scientific attention that they merit, and that with the three day session they will be trying to show how much of an influence ha had on british identity,capitalism,geopolitics,gastronomy and sexuality.

Big terror threat from food

the diabetic epidimic is getting out of control world usa about 21 million people or 7% of the population are now believed to be diabetic. 6million people have the disease but donot know it. and that doesnot included the 41 million people with pre-diabetes.a condition in which blood glucose levels are higher than normal but not high enough to be diagnosed as type 2 diabetes. now doctore are fnding out patients who suffer from both type 1 and type2 diabetes-a phenomenon known as double diabetes or hybrid diabetes.


Can animals fall in love? It is a question that sounds faintly ridiculous but, strange as it sounds, it is one that scientists are starting to take seriously. In the past few decades, a flood of discoveries has forced us to blur the boundary that exists between man and beast.
A century ago, we thought animals were essentially dumb and acted purely on instinct They had no language, could not make tools, and sex was purely for reproduction. We now know that many species can have sophisticated social lives, express emotions such as fear, hatred and even jealousy, and that many may have linguistic abilities.
It seems there is a new discovery every month elevating a particular species onto a new intellectual and emotional plane. It was revealed couple of years ago that sheep, whose very name was a byword for stupidity, could recognise human faces and form strong attachments to their keepers.
And it was revealed recently that elephants can recognise themselves in the mirror. Thought by scientists to be the ultimate test of ‘sentience’, the mirror test has been passed by most apes, the dolphin and, some claim, the pigeon.
Now a team of scientists have found that somewhale species have structures in their brains which indicate that they may be able to fall in love.
Patrick Hof and Van Der Gucht of the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York have found specialised neurons, called spindle cells, in the brains of humpback, fin, killer and sperm whales.
Spindle cells, found in the brain, were thought to be the preserve of humans and the other great apes — the chimps, the bonobos, gorillas and orang-utans. They were touted as the brain cells that set ‘higher’ primates apart from all other animals - specialised cells that are linked to emotion, speech, social skills empathy and ‘gut’ intuition.
“Whales communicate through huge song repertoires, recognise their own songs and make up new ones. They also form coalitions to plan hunting strategies, and have evolved social networks similar to those of apes and humans,” Dr Hof told New Scientist magazine.
In fact, whales were found to have three times as many of these cells, proportionately, as humans.
It’s quite a big step from finding a certain cell in a whale’s brain and deciding that the animal is capable of emotions. But there is evidence that the inner life of whales and dolphins are far more colourful and vivid than we thought.
People have always known dolphins are bright.Tales go back to antiquity of the mammals helping shipwrecked sailors, guiding drowning men back to land and so on. But just how intelligent they are has been a matter of fierce debate.
And while Dolphins have passed the ‘mirror test’, it’s only the difficulties faced by scientists wishing to study the behaviour a 60-foot-long behemoth in the labthat have prevented us from learning more about the workings of whales’ brains.
While chimpanzees can be easily studied both in the wild and in the lab, whales pose huge problems for animal researchers. Nevertheless, what we do know suggests that these animals may have an ‘inner life’ perhaps as complex as ours.
in 1990, a pair of male killer whales were found retracing the last movements of their dead mother, swinming hundreds of miles together for days.
Does this mean that whales grieve? That a species other than our own can show love to one another? We must always be on our guard when attributing human emotions and sentiments to animals. For we humans have a terrible habit of confusing sentimentalism with scientific fact.
In the film March Of The Penguins, not only were young audiences invited to boo and hiss the seal when it made a meal of the mummy penguin (what was the seal supposed to do, order pizza?), but we were invited to believe the pair bonding seen in adult emperor penguins was due to ‘love’.
Trouble is, it turns out penguins aren’t quite so ‘in love’ as the film would have had us believe. Far from being monogamous, emperor penguins have sex with up to 20 partners in a lifetime. Same-sex couplings have been observed in captivity too!
Emperor penguins are certainly impressive animals, and their determination and resourcefulness to breed in such an extreme environment is awe inspiring and worthy of admiration. But are they capable of love? Probably not.
Similarly, we imagine that the lifetime pair- bonds of species like the albatross are somehow evidence of romance, when it’s far more likely the rarity of these animals and difficulty of finding mates make monogamy an evolutionary advantage.
The truth is that we cannot know what it is like to be one of these animals and, sadly, they cannot tell us. But there is no doubt that the more we learn about animal behaviour — and about the structure of their brains — the more we are forced to conclude that the things we have in common, certainly with the more intelligent mammals, are greater than our differences.
Among our closest relatives, behaviour once thought to be the preserve of humans is now known to be commonplace. The bonobo engages in recreational sex, including lesbian coupling that is absolutely nothing to do with reproduction.
This means that we may have to think again how we treat these animals. If whales. for one, have language, form strong emotional attachments and are completely conscious of the1r own existence, this makes the case for hunting them for food completely untenable.
The Romans considered the elephant to be the noblest of beasts, suffused with honour , intelligence and capable of true love-both for its fellows and its human masters. For centuries scientists have dismissed such notions about animal as childish and ill-informed sentiment. Now, it seems science may not be so sure! daily mail collected from mumbai mirror

the lost kingdom

since 1950 when china occupied tibet,its political fortunes have waxed and waned depending on the prevailing mood in beijing,china-tibet relatinship can be described as one of overlapping circles. after the earlier western humiliation,the communists consider that any tibetan call for independance bear the marks of imperial conspiracy.the british will not go to tibet's open aid,for fear that backing tibet's claim for independance would open a can of worms in its own colonies.on march 10 1959 tibetians launched an uprising to rid the himalaya region of communist forces that had marched into tibet nine years earlier. the rebels were routed. ten thousand tibetian wer e killed .the tibetan issue doesnot offer a solution. the chinese know only too well that it is the dalal lama who binds tibetan everywhere together and that his presence or absence.but he remains astonishingly optimistic, believing that he will return to tibet one day and that economic reforms in china will bring liberation.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

high flying executives are in trouble with marriage life?

millions of executives are risking divorce as the long hours they work play havoc on their sex lives.a study has found ambitious professionals are sacrificing their personal lives and ignoring their personal children because of a new phenomenon-the extreme extreme job involves working at least 60 hrs a week.infact work is so important that people with extreme jobs have made sacrifices which would shock anybody who is not workaholic.

sleep proper otherwise -----

people with sleep diorders and nightmares may be prone to developing suicidal tendencies,says anew study. a nightmare is a distressing dream, which usually forces at least partial awakening.the dreamer facing the diorder may feel any number of diturbing emotions like anger,guilt sadness or depression, but most common feelings are fear and anxiety.nightmare is very common,with 50-85% of adults reporting having a nightmare.they tend to become less frequent with age,reported health portal health central.

sleep proper otherwise -----

people with sleep diorders and nightmares may be prone to developing suicidal tendencies,says anew study. a nightmare is a distressing dream, which usually forces at least partial awakening.the dreamer facing the diorder may feel any number of diturbing emotions like anger,guilt sadness or depression, but most common feelings are fear and anxiety.nightmare is very common,with 50-85% of adults reporting having a nightmare.they tend to become less frequent with age,reported health portal health central.