my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Friday, December 15, 2006

why is air rage on the increase?

air rage ,which has increased by more than 400% world wide since, 1995 is found to be related to the high level of co2 in the cabin, a study has revealed.when the aircraft supplies air that has been breathed several times the co2 in it increase dangerous levels.on account of airlines asitching over to recruitment air rather than providing fresh supplies,as a cost cutting measures,passenger's moods are affected by the higher level of co2 which leads to agitated states and aggression.
where as a constant supply of air was forced through the cabin in older air craft in most newer aircraft about half the air is recirculated,which can result in co2 conc. reaching 3000parts per million,10 times the level in normal air, high conc. levels cause irritability,blackouts,dizziness and punic.

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