fossil including coal form the major source of energy,therby also contributing significantly for increase in CO2 concentration in the atmosphere.it is estimated that unless corrective action is taken,the present value of arround 280 ppm in air by volume would doublebetween the middle and the next century,leading probably to rise in global meantemp. > any in man's hostory,between 1.5-4.5 C . but some other reporte values are CO2 are 285ppm in increasing to 312 ppm in 1953 and 360 ppm in 1993. this green house effect described by some as the grandaddy of all environmental issues. trapping an extra 2 w/m2 energy on the earth surface. can be combacted to a good extent through nuclear energy which generates only one hundredth of green house gass compared to coal.it is already eliminating 40 million tonnes CO2 annually in UK, UK atomic energy authority
estimates that if the world generates 50% electricity through nuclear sources,the green house effect would perhaps be eliminated altogether.

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