my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Thursday, July 11, 2013


Tobacco is food  for Him -O.. my  father ...

        A 94 year old man, from the land of spices of India known as God's own  country - Kerala(India) a small  grocery business man,turned to Rubber / pepper/ginger  plantation farmer is  an example of wonderful creation of god ,a continues  tobocca smoker  still , at the age of 90, no cancer,but yet it is necessary for him to smoke about 20 beedies a day.If food is not there no problem  but no beedi there is  problem...

        Doctors have no answer, no cancer at all. Instead doctors advice him to continue beedi smoking . Few teeth do exist in mouth, walks with stick, talks plenty, sleeps less,thinks too much, has a sharp memory, less eye power but still roams in a small village Karimpanakulam, belted with rubber trees, in Manimala panchayat at Kottayam,Kerala,India. He Started his great profession of tobacco smoking at the age of 10 in his lower primary education. His first beedi was when he robbed one from his father and on the way to his school bound with jungle, he and his four friends were smoking on that one beedi. At his youthful age he smoked minimum 50 beedis per day. A great contribution for tabacoo industries and its labourers! Our residence is decorated  with ashes of beed and match stickes. He has  been blessed with 8 children and no sons and daughters are interested in  his profeesion - beedi smoking.
       In childhood age, human body creates powerful immune or resisting power against tobacco,drugs,arrack,toddy dust,smoke etc.