my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

premarital hetrosexual interaction and marriage in usa immigrants

the majority of marriage in india are arranged by parents and the immigrant families themselves have been used to the custom of arranged marriage. however,in canadian societ,decisions regarding marriageas wellas dating become a sensitive issue for most indian parents. most parents still prefer arranged marriage.

among the socialising practices founds in western society, perhaps the most controversial for indian parent is dating and the association of teenages.double stanards seem to persists in regard to acceptance of dating of teenagers by the parent,with freedomof boys and severe restrictions for girls. some indian parents feel strongly that theiradolscent daughters should not date ,and there is a certan degree of resevation about them associated with canadian boys.collectedfrommanoramayearbook

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