my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Friday, December 15, 2006

lie detector software for net telephony

the kishkish lie detector can be down loaded free as an extra on the popular web phone service is capa ble of monitoring in real time stress levels in a person's voice.its creator.batm,says higher sound frequencies are telltale sign someone is being dishonest.
what all people have in common is that their stree levels are constantly changing within their current range.changes which indicate the perceived jeopardy or danger of statements being made.reads o products description on the kk website

the lie detector is activated whenever a skype call is placed,and before giving a reding the software calibrates to the general stress levels of the speaker.
a needle meter moves up and down to illustrate variations from the general stress level, and an indicator light turns from green to red if the software detects a lie.

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