my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Friday, October 26, 2007

why are video games so additive?

Reasarchers belive kids and adults stay glued to video games because the fun of playing actually is rooted in fulfilling their basic psychological needs.we think there's deeper theory than the fun of playing says richard ryan a motivational psychologist at the university and lead investigating in the four new studies about gaming. they found that games can provide opportuities for achievement,freedom, and even a connection to other player truped a shallow sense of fun which doesnot keep players as interested.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

whether abraham is islam?

In the New Testament, Abraham is considered to be the father of all who believe in God. Christians believe that the promises made to Abraham have been fulfilled inJesus. The Koran, the holy book of Islam, says that Abraham, assisted by his son Ishmael, built the Kaaba, the shrine in the center of the Great Mosque in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. For the followers of Islam, the Kaaba is the most sacred place on Earth.

Google capturing universe too !

google has already hoasted its flag on earth,the moon,and mars.the universe could be next.the internet company has struck a partnership with scientist building a huge sky scanning telescope of helping the public access digital footage of steriods,supernivas nd distant galaxies.the 8.4 metre LSST is expected to begin surveying the sky in 2013,from a moutaintop in chile.its goal is to continuously scan space,taking a series of 15 sec explosures that allow it to cover th e sky every three nights.

why is air rage on the increase?

air rage ,which has increased by more than 400% world wide since, 1995 is found to be related to the high level of co2 in the cabin, a study has revealed.when the aircraft supplies air that has been breathed several times the co2 in it increase dangerous levels.on account of airlines asitching over to recruitment air rather than providing fresh supplies,as a cost cutting measures,passenger's moods are affected by the higher level of co2 which leads to agitated states and aggression.where as a constant supply of air was forced through the cabin in older air craft in most newer aircraft about half the air is recirculated,which can result in co2 conc. reaching 3000parts per million,10 times the level in normal air, high conc. levels cause irritability,blackouts,dizziness and punic.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

are you aware? your cell phone can kill you

A cell phone ignited in a man's pocket and started a fire that burned his hotel room and cause severe burns over half his body,fire department officials said.Luis Picaso was in stable condition on Monday with second and third degree burns to his upper body ,back right arm and rt.leg , fire fighters arrived at the residential hotel on Saturday night to find Picasso lying on the bathroom floor after a malfunctioning cell phone in his pants pocket set fore to his nylon and pollster clothes.the flames spread to a plastic chair,setting off a sprinkler that held the fire in check. authorities declined to name the phone's mfg and reported in various papers