my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Monday, December 11, 2006

polonium a rare element and a poison

very rare element found naturally in traces in the earth's crust and in living being also. marle curle first discovered it in 1898 during her research on radium. she named it polonium after her country polond,with chemicals symbol Po . it can artificially be made innuclear reactors using high tech has been used in very small amounts in industry to control static electricity and as fuel in satellites and lunar vehicles..

polonium is a radoactive substance,that is radioactive substance,that is it emits radiations are mainly alpha rays consisting of doubly charged particles having a pair of protons and a pair of also emits gamma rays in small level.because of its depletes on its own-in 138 days only half of what youhave on the first day will be left.once it enters body,say drinking or eating a small amount mixed with other substances,it travels easily all over the body through blood circulation and may lodge in different tissues.all the time it is emitting deadly alpha particles. which travel through a few layers of surrounding cells destroying them or changing their genetic characteristic.this cause collapse of variuos body systems and typical symptoms of radiation poisoning like hair loss.

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