my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

what is Sociosexual behaviour?

By far the greatest amount of sociosexual behaviour is heterosexual behaviour between only one male and one female. Heterosexual behaviour frequently begins in childhood, and, while much of it may be motivated by curiosity, such as showing or examining genitalia, many childrenengage in sex play because it is pleasurable. The sexual impulse and responsiveness are present in varying degrees in most children and latent in the remainder. With adolescence, sex play is superseded by dating, which is socially encouraged, and dating almost inevitably involves some physicalcontact resulting in sexual arousal. This contact, labelled neckingor petting, is a part of the learning process and ultimately of courtship and the selection of a marriage partner.
obligation to britanica encyclopidia

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