my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Thursday, January 4, 2007

this was the words of saddam hussain

'you have done enough for your country.donot go back .i will pay you whatever you want tobuild a nulear weaopen for iraq. i expect you to honour the offer ' this was a strict order given by saddam to the father of india's nulear bobm raja ramanna in 1978 when he visited iraq.

when saddam made the offer rammanna remained non committal.considering saddam's reputation for brutally doing away with those who opposed him,ramanna naturally became a bit nervous ans wondered how to wriggle out of the situation.
later he went back to hie hotel and spent a sleepless night absolutely convicted the iraqi leader would succeed in blocking his departure. from bagdad.
ramanna managed to escape from saddam's cluches ,slipped out of the hotel quietly, dashed off to the airport and boarded a flight to india.
he met indira gandi and informed about the saddam 's offer .but mrs. gandi advised not to involved his nulcear weapons progrmme.

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