my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

be cautious -now lie detector is in your computer only

A new lie detector software from Israel says it can show you -across the internet.a user of the lie detector needs to talk for 15 seconds to calibrate their voice,then sound waves start to peak if stress levels are high,a light flashes from green to red and a needle jumps on a scale.

the lie dtector however warns users when they are being monitored to avoid legal problems said alex rosenbaum of company. now the further attempt to stretch the possibilities of their of internet ,and for now-like many internet start ups-it offers the product for free through net.


aniket said...

Some really interesting post you got there. Could you post a link to this lie detector site.

Unknown said...

search in
thanks for your comments

Unknown said...

more about lie detector software search in this site of previous publication