my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Thursday, January 4, 2007

Amazing ! but true, not imagenary

One man creat his own village with his family members.asixty year old man from Mozoram marries 50 times and fathers 109 children.this family of 180 members in mozoram makes one complete village ,name Baktawng,90 km north of state capital Aizawl. 64 year old patriach Ziona presides over 180 members including his scores of wives and over a hundred children.
yes, Ziona heads the village. his family could be the largest joint family in the world.
the villagers said Guiness book of world records officials recently tried to put ziona into their records for getting married the highest number of women.but the effort failed because he refused to pose for photograph.
we build a societ tat is more tolerant of personal differences in views and thought and where people appreciate and carry forward the value of mutual respect,loveand cooperation, ziona said.we are a very happy and self reliant family. ziona's first wife zathiangi who is two years older than him,said. samart and good looking 26 year old huntharnghaki is the latest mizo girl who got married to ziona this year, and become a mother too.
this village has its own school,a play ground,carpentary workshop,piggery and poultry farms besides paddy fields and a vegetable garden big enough to feed the entire family.
about 20 kg of rice and atleast 10 chickens are cooked daily to feed the giant family, whose main source of income is from carpentry.
we did not want any help from the govt. the members of the church had built the stadium without help from others.teachers working in our school belong to our church and teach volintarily ,the eldest son said.

can you comment about this?,here keeping one women as a wife not easy

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