my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Indian economy will boost up to himalayan high level

Within 2 years the sensex youch 20000 point level. domestic equity market have witnessed a steady rise in the last four years.the bsc sensex gained 44% in 2006 alone.Now indian markets not affecting the foreign market fallen or rise. the stabiltiy of indian market indicating the boosting the indian economy.
india's economie growth remains buoyant, with real GDP growth at 9.1%.inadia is continues to be second fastest growing economy in th e world after china.after completion of urban infrastructure development india move towards higher levels of sustaianble growth.
the overall long term trend remains positive.many believe that the future growth of india for next two decades will have no parallels in the annals of economic history. expect in china.
the continues terrorist attack cannot destabilise the indian economy . many economic malpractice created by pakistan is not destabilising the our system.
obligationto times of india

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