my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Moleculers are in memories

scientists have reached a step closer in solving the mystery -what are memories made up of reports live science.the leading candidate is a process called long term potentiation in which the connections between individual brain cells get stronger the more often they are used,such a during learned.but while ltp has been observed in slices of brain in the labit has been difficult to record in a living brain as learning was taking place.
Liliana minichiello and her colleagues appear to have done just that by isolating a molecule that initiates a signalling pathway for ltp in the brain of a living the new study, the team used mice with a defective version of a receptor molecule called TrkB,found on the surface of brain cells in the hippo campus.the mice were unable to learn or initiate ltp in response to familiar stimuli,indicating TrkB is a key memory molecule.agencies

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