scientists have reached a step closer in solving the mystery -what are memories made up of reports live science.the leading candidate is a process called long term potentiation in which the connections between individual brain cells get stronger the more often they are used,such a during learned.but while ltp has been observed in slices of brain in the labit has been difficult to record in a living brain as learning was taking place.
Liliana minichiello and her colleagues appear to have done just that by isolating a molecule that initiates a signalling pathway for ltp in the brain of a living the new study, the team used mice with a defective version of a receptor molecule called TrkB,found on the surface of brain cells in the hippo campus.the mice were unable to learn or initiate ltp in response to familiar stimuli,indicating TrkB is a key memory molecule.agencies
I am george varghese, from God's own country, south state of india and land of ayurveda.Loving green world and observing nature's voice and movement watching world political events,human life science ,searching bloggers for sharing knowledge.seekng god's creation. The thrill of life is hunting of difficulties?
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Friday, January 26, 2007
coffee could cure baldness?

coffee could hold the secret to curing male baldness,according to new research.scientists have discovered caffeine stimulates the growth of tiny follicles in the scalp in men who are starting o lose their hair. but hold your horses!
drinking plenty of coffee may not be the best answer.scientists estimate up to 60 cups a day would be needed for significant amounts to reach follicles in the scalp. instead,German cosmetics firm Alexine has developed a caffeine rich solution that can be rubbed on the scalp. caffeine is a well known substance.yet little is known about its effect on human hair follicle growth.said Dr. Tobias Fischer,who carried out the research at the university of Jena in Germany.
drinking plenty of coffee may not be the best answer.scientists estimate up to 60 cups a day would be needed for significant amounts to reach follicles in the scalp. instead,German cosmetics firm Alexine has developed a caffeine rich solution that can be rubbed on the scalp. caffeine is a well known substance.yet little is known about its effect on human hair follicle growth.said Dr. Tobias Fischer,who carried out the research at the university of Jena in Germany.
Ancient flying dinosaur glided with four wings, study

the early flying dinosaur probably spread two pairs of feathered wings-like early aviation's biplane -to glide between trees, according to a study.
with long feathers,on its hands and legs ,the small four winged micro raptor would drop from its perch, swoop back up and fly up and down in an undulating motion from tree to tree.
The bird's ancestor could potentially cover a distance of a t least 130 ft, according to the study published in the proceedings of the US national academy of science.
It seems likely that microraptor invented the biplane 125 millions years before the Wright 1903 flyer,wrote researcher sankar chaaerjee of Texas tech university.
the 2.5 ft long,tree dwelling dinosaur,which weighed nearly one kilograms,also had a long feathered tail offering additional flight and stability and controlled pitch,the study said.
with long feathers,on its hands and legs ,the small four winged micro raptor would drop from its perch, swoop back up and fly up and down in an undulating motion from tree to tree.
The bird's ancestor could potentially cover a distance of a t least 130 ft, according to the study published in the proceedings of the US national academy of science.
It seems likely that microraptor invented the biplane 125 millions years before the Wright 1903 flyer,wrote researcher sankar chaaerjee of Texas tech university.
the 2.5 ft long,tree dwelling dinosaur,which weighed nearly one kilograms,also had a long feathered tail offering additional flight and stability and controlled pitch,the study said.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
What are mummies?

When you think of a mummy what comes to mind? Most of us usually picture an Egyptian mummy wrapped in bandages and buried deep inside a pyramid. While the Egyptian ones are the most famous, mummies have been found in many places throughout the world, from Greenland to China to the Andes Mountains of South America.
A mummy is the body of a person (or an animal) that has been preserved after death. Normally when we die, bacteria and other germs eat away at the soft tissues (such as skin and muscles) leaving only the bones behind. Since bacteria need water in order to grow, mummification usually happens if the body dries out quickly after death. The body may then be so well preserved that we can even tell how the dead person may have looked in life.
Mummies are made naturally or by embalming, which is any process that people use to help preserve a dead body. Mummies can be dried out by extreme cold, by the sun, by smoke, or using chemicals such as natron. Some bodies become mummies because there were favorable natural conditions when they died. Others were preserved and buried with great care.
The ancient Egyptians believed that mummifying a person's body after death was essential to ensure a safe passage to the afterlife.collectedfromgoogle
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
what happened in USA?
51% women in US living without spouse. can you imagine?
very interesting and investigative matters. for the first time more Americans ladies are living a husband than with one,says sociologists,according to a new york times analysis of census results
In 2005 ,51% of women said they were living without spouse ,up from 35% in 1995 and 49% in 2000.coupled with the fact that in 2005 married couples became a minority of all American house holds for the first time ,the trend could ultimately shape social and workplace polices,including the ways government and employers distribute benefits.
the factors involved
-at the end of the age spectrum
-marrying later
-living with unmarried partners for long time
at the other end women are living longer as widows and after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage.
moreover only 30% of black women are living with spouse compared with about 49% of Hispanic women.
very interesting and investigative matters. for the first time more Americans ladies are living a husband than with one,says sociologists,according to a new york times analysis of census results
In 2005 ,51% of women said they were living without spouse ,up from 35% in 1995 and 49% in 2000.coupled with the fact that in 2005 married couples became a minority of all American house holds for the first time ,the trend could ultimately shape social and workplace polices,including the ways government and employers distribute benefits.
the factors involved
-at the end of the age spectrum
-marrying later
-living with unmarried partners for long time
at the other end women are living longer as widows and after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage.
moreover only 30% of black women are living with spouse compared with about 49% of Hispanic women.
are you aware? your cell phone can kill you
A cell phone ignited in a man's pocket and started a fire that burned his hotel room and cause severe burns over half his body,fire department officials said.Luis Picaso was in stable condition on Monday with second and third degree burns to his upper body ,back right arm and rt.leg , fire fighters arrived at the residential hotel on Saturday night to find Picasso lying on the bathroom floor after a malfunctioning cell phone in his pants pocket set fore to his nylon and pollster clothes.the flames spread to a plastic chair,setting off a sprinkler that held the fire in check. authorities declined to name the phone's mfg and reported in various papers
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Alcohol saves patient's life
Doctors in Rjastan used a few drops of alcohol to save the life of of a 35 year old man who was suffering from a heart disorder that makes the chamber of heart thicker and eventually obstructs the flow of blood.
Mitha Lal. a farmer from Dausa district ,was successfully treated at the SMS hospital in Jaipur,where he was admitted by chest pain and difficulty in breathing.
the most common treatment of this problem is surgery,which often leads to complications. however ,under such circumstance,using alcohol is a suitable option as it is less expensive and also safe.
the muscles of the left ventricle-one of four chambers of the human heart-had enlarged ,the doctors injected 4 ml of alcohol in the artery, which supplied blood to thickened muscles.timesofindia
Mitha Lal. a farmer from Dausa district ,was successfully treated at the SMS hospital in Jaipur,where he was admitted by chest pain and difficulty in breathing.
the most common treatment of this problem is surgery,which often leads to complications. however ,under such circumstance,using alcohol is a suitable option as it is less expensive and also safe.
the muscles of the left ventricle-one of four chambers of the human heart-had enlarged ,the doctors injected 4 ml of alcohol in the artery, which supplied blood to thickened muscles.timesofindia
Saturday, January 20, 2007
mummies are in amazon

The remarkable mummy was found in a hidden burial vault in the amazon.
it is at least 600 years old ans has survived thanks to the embalming skills of her tribe,the chachapoyas or cloud warriors. the chachapoyas were a tall .fair haired.light skinned race that some researchers believe may have come from Europe.
eleven further mummies were recovered from the massive cave complex 82 ft down.the mummies are going on show at the museum of the nation .collected from mumbai mirror
the aquarium toilet tank -a attractive product

home renovators looking to bring life to the smallest room in their home now have the chance with a toilet that doubles as an aquarium.the fish n flush is a clear two piece toilet tank that replaces a standard toilet tank ,with a see through aquarium wrapping itself around a conventional tank.
we wanted develop a product that had a dual purpose-to serve as a proper ,fully functional toilet and also as a source of entertainment and conversion said Devon Nicolea, marketing director of California based designer aqua one technologies inc.,which has just started to selling the tank.
we wanted develop a product that had a dual purpose-to serve as a proper ,fully functional toilet and also as a source of entertainment and conversion said Devon Nicolea, marketing director of California based designer aqua one technologies inc.,which has just started to selling the tank.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
crime investigation -brain mapping a new phenomenon
this technique is a relatively new phenomenon in india,and has an extremely high success is again performed in a controlled environment. no chemicals are used . Prof. C R Mukundan,former head of the department of mental health and neurosciences,banglore , explains how this technique works.when a person performs an act in this case , a gruesome murder-the event is recorded in the brain is something called experential knowledge. by connecting electrodes to the head, brain signature mapping records the electrical activity and oscillations in the brain as a response to certain images he is shown. and can a person lie during such a procedure? unlike other process where questions are put to the subject,here no questions are asked,indeed,there is no need for verbal responses from the subject either ,so the issue of telling a lie doesnot's all do with the electrical impulses in the brain directly, and that's not something a person can control.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Astronaut Dr. kalpana chawla never ending the memory

President Bush Honors Columbia Astronaut in India
President George W. Bush paid tribute to fallen Columbia astronaut Dr. Kalpana Chawla today during a speech in her native India. Image left: President Bush during his speech to India. White House photo by Paul Morse. "On a sad morning three years ago," said the President, "we learned that a brave astronaut born in India had been lost aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. I know that India will always be proud of Dr. Kalpana Chawla, and so will the United States of America." President Bush also praised Indian Americans in Congress and the military, and said the U.S. and India are working together to expand prosperity and advance freedom in the world.
President George W. Bush paid tribute to fallen Columbia astronaut Dr. Kalpana Chawla today during a speech in her native India. Image left: President Bush during his speech to India. White House photo by Paul Morse. "On a sad morning three years ago," said the President, "we learned that a brave astronaut born in India had been lost aboard the Space Shuttle Columbia. I know that India will always be proud of Dr. Kalpana Chawla, and so will the United States of America." President Bush also praised Indian Americans in Congress and the military, and said the U.S. and India are working together to expand prosperity and advance freedom in the world.
crime investgation-truth serum
what is that?-sodium pentathol is used as an investigative aid,which is injected during narco analysis .it is also known as truth serum This is an anaesthetic agent and depending on the concentration of the dose,a person gets into a different level of consciousness.or atrance like condition. inthis state ,a person losese his resistance to the questions that a forsenic expert would put to him. and can a person lie while under the influence of this substance?no a person cannot lie but the answers he gives may or may not be relevent.the skill of the interviewer and the sharpness of his questions also becone relevent.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Google capturing universe too !

google has already hoasted its flag on earth,the moon,and mars.the universe could be next.the internet company has struck a partnership with scientist building a huge sky scanning telescope of helping the public access digital footage of steriods,supernivas nd distant galaxies.
the 8.4 metre LSST is expected to begin surveying the sky in 2013,from a moutaintop in chile.its goal is to continuously scan space,taking a series of 15 sec explosures that allow it to cover th e sky every three nights.
the 8.4 metre LSST is expected to begin surveying the sky in 2013,from a moutaintop in chile.its goal is to continuously scan space,taking a series of 15 sec explosures that allow it to cover th e sky every three nights.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
the ammerican's space mission play

are you remembered the viking space probes of 1976-77 were looking for water and life on red plannet Mars. the result was there is no water on the plannet.Now the latest nasa mars study is revealing that there is a possibilty of water on the red plannet. new photographs of mars showed geologic changes that suggest water occasionally flows there-the most tantalising sign that mars is hospitable to life.
in the 70's the viking mission found no signs of life. but it was searching for earth like life,in which salt water is the internal liquid of living cells.given the cold dry conditions of mars that life could have evolved on mars with the key internal fluid consisting of a mix of water and Hydrogen peroxide.
the viking experiments of the 70's wouldn't have noticed alien hydrogen peroxide based life and in fact would have killed it by drowning and overheating the mocrobes.
a new nasa mars mission Phoenix is set for launch this summer, and one scientist involved said he is eager to test the new theory about life on mars.
in the 70's the viking mission found no signs of life. but it was searching for earth like life,in which salt water is the internal liquid of living cells.given the cold dry conditions of mars that life could have evolved on mars with the key internal fluid consisting of a mix of water and Hydrogen peroxide.
the viking experiments of the 70's wouldn't have noticed alien hydrogen peroxide based life and in fact would have killed it by drowning and overheating the mocrobes.
a new nasa mars mission Phoenix is set for launch this summer, and one scientist involved said he is eager to test the new theory about life on mars.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
stephen hawking's space mission in 2009

acclamed british physicst stephen hawking is planning a flight into space.the daily teleegraph said on the occcasion of his 65 th birth day.
this year i am planning a zero gravity flight and to go into space in 2009.
hawking's trip outside the earth's atmosphere depends on the progress of british tycoon sir richard branson's virgin galactic space tourism programma,which aims to carry passengers into low earth orbit from next year.richard will sponsor hawking's mission,waiving the estimated flight cost of about 87 lakh rupees.
this year i am planning a zero gravity flight and to go into space in 2009.
hawking's trip outside the earth's atmosphere depends on the progress of british tycoon sir richard branson's virgin galactic space tourism programma,which aims to carry passengers into low earth orbit from next year.richard will sponsor hawking's mission,waiving the estimated flight cost of about 87 lakh rupees.
zero gravity flight what it?
a zero gravity flight is one in which an aeroplane flies in such a way as to render its passengers temporarly weightless,mimicking the conitions in space.
who are the next news makers couple?
crickter zaheer khan is joined by his girl friend,actress isha sharvani ,after the indian team arrived from south africa at mumbai airport.therewere rumours earlier that the couple had split.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
why are video games so additive?
Reasarchers belive kids and adults stay glued to video games because the fun of playing actually is rooted in fulfilling their basic psychological needs.
we think there's deeper theory than the fun of playing says richard ryan a motivational psychologist at the university and lead investigating in the four new studies about gaming. they found that games can provide opportuities for achievement,freedom, and even a connection to other player truped a shallow sense of fun which doesnot keep players as interested.
we think there's deeper theory than the fun of playing says richard ryan a motivational psychologist at the university and lead investigating in the four new studies about gaming. they found that games can provide opportuities for achievement,freedom, and even a connection to other player truped a shallow sense of fun which doesnot keep players as interested.
sleep disorder may cause suicidal tendencies
people with sleep diorders and nightmares may be prone to developing suicidal tendencies,says anew study. a nightmare is a distressing dream, which usually forces at least partial awakening.the dreamer facing the diorder may feel any number of diturbing emotions like anger,guilt sadness or depression, but most common feelings are fear and anxiety.
nightmare is very common,with 50-85% of adults reporting having a nightmare.they tend to become less frequent with age,reported health portal health central.
nightmare is very common,with 50-85% of adults reporting having a nightmare.they tend to become less frequent with age,reported health portal health central.
a middle east nuclear srike is possible

Israel plans nuclear strike on iran.israel has drawn up plans to destroy iranian uranium enrichment facilities with a tactical nuclear strike, a british news pwper reported.two of the jewish state's air force squadrons are training to use bunker-busting bombs for a single strike.
Israel authority was denied this matter.but as soon as the green light is given it will be one mission, one strike and the iranian nuclear project will be demolished paper quoted.
iran warned that it would hit back against any attack in a way that would leave its enemy regretting that it had made such a move.
US want get under their control of iranian nuclear system. but iran is not cooperating with international requirement of nuke deal. so US may given full support to israel for destroying the iranian nuklear project.
Israel authority was denied this matter.but as soon as the green light is given it will be one mission, one strike and the iranian nuclear project will be demolished paper quoted.
iran warned that it would hit back against any attack in a way that would leave its enemy regretting that it had made such a move.
US want get under their control of iranian nuclear system. but iran is not cooperating with international requirement of nuke deal. so US may given full support to israel for destroying the iranian nuklear project.
why is a group of fish called a 'school' ?

Some fish tend to swim in groups in order to protect themselves from their predators. the collective noun which denotes such a group depends on the species of the fish in the group,as exemplified by the terms a troop of dogfish.,a swarm of eelsand and a glide of flting fish. the most common collective nouns for a group of fish in general are school and shoal. both the words have evolved from the same common Dutch root schole meaning a troop or crowd.collected fromtimesofindiadaily.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
sabrimala, a magnificient pilgrims center, never get any where

Nestled in the thick forests of the Sabari Hills of the Western Ghats range, and situated in the District of Pathanamthitta, this hill shrine dedicated to Lord Ayyappan is a pilgrim’s wish of a lifetime, to pay obeisance and to seek blessings. Such is the popularity of this shrine that it draws thousands of people from all over the world, irrespective of cast or creed. The shrine will be teeming with devotees especially during the pilgrim season from November to January. It is a 4 to 5 km trek from the banks of the River Pamba to the shrine on top of the hill. Women, who are past their fertility age or before puberty are allowed to enter the shrine.
whether it is paradise or not?ramakalmedu from kerala

(16 km from Nedumkandam, Thekkady-Munnar Road)Rolling green hills and the fresh mountain air make Ramakalmedu and enchanting retreat. The hilltop also offers a panoramic view of the picturesque villages of Bodi and Cumbum on the eastern slope of the Western Ghats. Distance 45 km from Idukki, 40 km from Thekkady and 75 km from Munnar. Bus timings: 09.30 a.m. Munnar, 10.30 a.m. Kottayam, 09.30 a.m. Ernakulam.Getting there:Nearest railway station: Changanacherry, about 93 km.Nearest airport: Madurai (Tamil Nadu) about 140 kmCochin International Airport, Nedumbassery, about 190 km
(16 km from Nedumkandam, Thekkady-Munnar Road)Rolling green hills and the fresh mountain air make Ramakalmedu and enchanting retreat. The hilltop also offers a panoramic view of the picturesque villages of Bodi and Cumbum on the eastern slope of the Western Ghats. Distance 45 km from Idukki, 40 km from Thekkady and 75 km from Munnar. Bus timings: 09.30 a.m. Munnar, 10.30 a.m. Kottayam, 09.30 a.m. Ernakulam.Getting there:Nearest railway station: Changanacherry, about 93 km.Nearest airport: Madurai (Tamil Nadu) about 140 kmCochin International Airport, Nedumbassery, about 190 km
vattavad hills munnar a wonderful view from kerala

This month check out a less explored entity of Munnar, the much sought after hill station in Kerala. Located about 45 km east of Munnar is the serene village of Vattavada. At Vattavada, in comparison to other regions in Munnar, instead of tea plantations, it is the predominance of vegetables that occupy the terraced slopes and valleys of Vattavada. The scenic hilly tract of Vattavada is at an altitude of 6500 feet above sea level, and is a refreshing experience, which is yet to come under the constant gaze and the footprints of visitors. The place receives plenty of sunshine and the winter temperatures never dip below unbearable levels. Besides the slopes of vegetable fields, one could also find forest patches, interspersed with eucalyptus and conifers. The area also teems with bird life and also other winged beauties like butterflies in various colour, size and shape. Vattavada could be taken for a place significant for trekking. Here, an avid trekker would get options to explore many adjoining locations. Some of the trekking routes starting from Vattavada include the ones going to Kodaikanal, Top Station, Mattupetty, Kanthaloor and Meesapulimala. Most of these treks offer enough excitement in terms of negotiating the terrain as well as enjoying the floral and faunal wealth on its course. Visitors could also engage in activities like mountain jeep safari, mountain biking, jungle camping etc. offered by private operators in the region. The local populace of Vattavada has a significant number of tribals. Their way of life, art forms, language, natural remedies are some of the other interesting aspects that could be of interest to visitors coming to Vattavada. Getting there: Munnar is accessible by road from Ernakulam and Kottayam.Nearest railway station: Ernakulam Junction, about 130 km away from Munnar.Nearest airport: Cochin International Airport, about 110 km away from Munnar.
silent valley- a magnificiant scene from kerala tourism

Silent Valley National Park
Location : 40 km from Mannarkkad, Palakkad district, north Kerala.
Attractions : Extremely fragile, a unique preserve of tropical evergreen rain forests lying above the equator and the forest strip which causes the summer rains in Kerala. The Silent Valley National Park has an area of 90 sq km is located in the north eastern corner of the district. It rises abruptly to the Nilgiri Plateau in the north and overlooks the plains of Mannarkkad in the south.
The core of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is the Silent Valley National Park. Despite its name, the Silent Valley (the clamour of Cicadas is conspicuously absent here) echoes with the sounds of teeming wildlife. The denizens of this sprawling habitat of endangered virgin tropical forests include rare birds, deer and tiger.
Perhaps, nowhere else can one also find such a representative collection of peninsular mammals, over a 100 species of butterflies and 400 species of moths and other fauna like the Ceylon Frog Moth, Great Indian Hornbill, the Nilgiri Laughing Thrush and the Lion-tailed Macaque.
The river Kunthi descends from the Nilgiri hills, an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, and traverses the entire length of the valley and rushes down to the plains through the deep forest. The river Kunthi never turns brown and is always crystal clear, perennial and wild.
The evapo-transpiration from these forests is much higher than from any other surfaces. This cools the atmosphere, helps easy condensation of water vapour and thus causes the summer rains.
Getting there :
Nearest railway station : Palakkad, about 80 km.
Nearest airport : Coimbatore (in neighbouring
Location : 40 km from Mannarkkad, Palakkad district, north Kerala.
Attractions : Extremely fragile, a unique preserve of tropical evergreen rain forests lying above the equator and the forest strip which causes the summer rains in Kerala. The Silent Valley National Park has an area of 90 sq km is located in the north eastern corner of the district. It rises abruptly to the Nilgiri Plateau in the north and overlooks the plains of Mannarkkad in the south.
The core of the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve is the Silent Valley National Park. Despite its name, the Silent Valley (the clamour of Cicadas is conspicuously absent here) echoes with the sounds of teeming wildlife. The denizens of this sprawling habitat of endangered virgin tropical forests include rare birds, deer and tiger.
Perhaps, nowhere else can one also find such a representative collection of peninsular mammals, over a 100 species of butterflies and 400 species of moths and other fauna like the Ceylon Frog Moth, Great Indian Hornbill, the Nilgiri Laughing Thrush and the Lion-tailed Macaque.
The river Kunthi descends from the Nilgiri hills, an altitude of 2000 m above sea level, and traverses the entire length of the valley and rushes down to the plains through the deep forest. The river Kunthi never turns brown and is always crystal clear, perennial and wild.
The evapo-transpiration from these forests is much higher than from any other surfaces. This cools the atmosphere, helps easy condensation of water vapour and thus causes the summer rains.
Getting there :
Nearest railway station : Palakkad, about 80 km.
Nearest airport : Coimbatore (in neighbouring
a wonderful forest from kerala

Shenduruny Wildlife Sanctuary
Remember the last time you had a really wild time This month, we invite you for another bash in a tropical semi-evergreen forest! For company, youll have some die-hard party animals - elephants, tigers, leopards, bisons, sambar, wild boar, lion-tailed macaques, langurs, deer - and most of the other regular inhabitants of a wild, West Coast tropical evergreen forest.The Shenduruny forest - declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1984 gets its name from an endemic species of tree called Chenkuruny (Gluta travancoria). In the central region of this moist, mixed deciduous forest, spread over hilly terrain of over 100 sq km, is the 26 sq km artificial lake formed by the Parappar dam built across the Shenduruny and Kulathupuzha rivers.But beautiful surroundings guaranteed to give those exhausted batteries a recharge is not all that the forest is famous for. According to some recent archaeological studies, Shenduruny was the cradle of one of the oldest river valley civilizations in India - one older than even the Indus Valley which dates from 4400 - 3700 BC! Paintings similar to those of the Mesolithic period (5210 - 4420 BC) found in the caves of central India, have been excavated from a cave, large enough to hold 20 people, in the northwestern part of the river.Getting thereBy road: 66 km from Kollam town on the Kollam - Shencotta Road, in Pathanapuram taluk of Kollam district.Nearest railway station: Thenmala connected with Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Kashmir.Nearest airport: Thiruvananthapuram 72 km away.For further details: contact:The Chief Conservator of Forests (Wildlife) Thiruvananthapuram 695014Telefax: 0471 322217. OrThe Wildlife WardenShenduruny Wildlife SanctuaryThenmala Dam P.O.Kollam districtPhone: 0475 344600.
wild life from north kerala

The wild and the beautiful
Location:About 85 km from Kasaragod town, Kasaragod district, north Kerala.
Ranipuram is located 750m above sea level on the Western Ghats in Kasaragod district. Covered with evergreen shola woods, monsoon forests and grasslands, this beautiful land is known for its trekking trails. Ranipuram was earlier known as Madathumala and its extensive forests merge into those of Karnataka. Wild elephants can be seen wandering on the mountain tops here. Tourist cottages provide comfortable stay on the hills. Jeep and bus services are available from Panathady and Kanhangad in kasaragod town. Ranipuram in its natural beauty is comparable to Ooty - a popular hill station in South India.
Getting there:Nearest major railway station: Kasaragod, about 85 km from Ranipuram, on the Kozhikode-Mangalore-Mumbai route.Nearest airports: Mangalore, about 50 km from Kasaragod; Karipur International Airport, Kozhikode, about 200 km from Kasaragod.
be cautious -now lie detector is in your computer only
A new lie detector software from Israel says it can show you -across the internet.a user of the lie detector needs to talk for 15 seconds to calibrate their voice,then sound waves start to peak if stress levels are high,a light flashes from green to red and a needle jumps on a scale.
the lie dtector however warns users when they are being monitored to avoid legal problems said alex rosenbaum of company. now the further attempt to stretch the possibilities of their of internet ,and for now-like many internet start ups-it offers the product for free through net.
the lie dtector however warns users when they are being monitored to avoid legal problems said alex rosenbaum of company. now the further attempt to stretch the possibilities of their of internet ,and for now-like many internet start ups-it offers the product for free through net.
Coming back of electric car

US auto giant GM company again with electric car with new concept. the chevrolet volt will draw power execlusively from a next generation battery pack recharged by a small onboard engine.
the volt is designed to run for 40 miles on pure electric power ,making it ideal for every day family use.the volt's combustion engine is designed only as a supplement to keep its batteries charged.
the volt should be ready for production around the same time the lithium ion batteries will be ,which GM expects to be in two to three years.
Monday, January 8, 2007
OHO! Anti -drunk driving sytem willbe very soon
Toyota motor is developing a fail-safe system for cars that detects drunken drivers and automaticlaly shuts the vehicle down .if sensors pick up signs of excessive alcohlo consumption,
cars fitted with the detection system willnot start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of alcohol in the driver's bloodstream,according to report carried by the japanese mass circulation daily.
cars fitted with the detection system willnot start if sweat sensors in the driving wheel detect high levels of alcohol in the driver's bloodstream,according to report carried by the japanese mass circulation daily.
A nanotechnology for clear glass for car

scientists are working on a nanotechnology coating that promises to banish foggy windshields and mirrors.
fogged up windshields will soon be a thing of the past.a new nanotechnology based lacquer will ensure better visibility in tommorow's cars.
cold air is not able to contain as much moisture as warm air and this fact is much more noticeble in small spaces,like car.
Ivica kolaric of the fraunhofer technology developed the new process that warm up the windscreen through not with costly copper heating elements,but instead with a transparent coat of carbon lacquer,or carbon nano tubes. the laquer converts the electricity almost entirely into warmth and transfers this to windshield and clear it become short time.
fogged up windshields will soon be a thing of the past.a new nanotechnology based lacquer will ensure better visibility in tommorow's cars.
cold air is not able to contain as much moisture as warm air and this fact is much more noticeble in small spaces,like car.
Ivica kolaric of the fraunhofer technology developed the new process that warm up the windscreen through not with costly copper heating elements,but instead with a transparent coat of carbon lacquer,or carbon nano tubes. the laquer converts the electricity almost entirely into warmth and transfers this to windshield and clear it become short time.
Instant noodle inventor no more here
Momofuku ando founder of nissin food products co. in 1948 ,died at the age of 96. ando died of acute heart failure on friday, said nissin food,the company he founded in 1948 in the aftermath of world war II and built into a multi-billion dollar empire.born in 1910 in taiwan under japanase occupation, ando intitially owned clothing companies in the cities of taipei and osaka.
after founding the precursor of nissin ando put on the market chisken ramen the first instant noodle product in 1958.
after founding the precursor of nissin ando put on the market chisken ramen the first instant noodle product in 1958.
Is there any scientific proof to confirm the concept of rebirth?
Reincarnation holds the notion that some essential part of a living being can survive death in some form,with its interity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. this is often referred to as the spirit or soul in such beliefs a new personality is developed during each life,based on past integrated experience and new acquired experiences,but some part of the being remains constantly present through successive lives.many persons have claimed to record memories of past lives.Dr. Ian stevenson has researched the subject extensively but it hasnot been proven scientifically.collected from times of india,harsh chester.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
mysterious migration of monarch butterfly

US scientist are trying to learn more about the migration of monarch buttreflies by attaching iny tags to their wings and tracking their movements.
researchers have tagged some 26000 butterflies at their wintering grounds on california's central coast since project monarch alert began in 2002.
they have learned that monarch movement in the winter is limited almost exclusively to other nesting sites along the pacific coast.they also found that just a few days or warm and dry weather can trigger a premature mass exodus in january.
researchers have tagged some 26000 butterflies at their wintering grounds on california's central coast since project monarch alert began in 2002.
they have learned that monarch movement in the winter is limited almost exclusively to other nesting sites along the pacific coast.they also found that just a few days or warm and dry weather can trigger a premature mass exodus in january.
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Detox diets are useless
detox diets are a waste of time because our bodies are perfectly capable of grtting rid of the toxins we consume,say scientists.millions who over-indulged at christmas will start the new year on a diet, and many will be tempted to try a detox plan which claim to help speed up the rate at which harmful substances are broken down by the body.
the team concluded that our bodies are perfectly desighned to get rid of toxins naturally . they said oue livers and kidneys are the perfect detox machines already, and that while people on such plans may lose weight.
the report from sense about science advised that people would be better off drinking tap water ,getting plenty of sleep and eating plenty of fruit and vegatables.
the team concluded that our bodies are perfectly desighned to get rid of toxins naturally . they said oue livers and kidneys are the perfect detox machines already, and that while people on such plans may lose weight.
the report from sense about science advised that people would be better off drinking tap water ,getting plenty of sleep and eating plenty of fruit and vegatables.
How zebra fish regrow their fin?

how some animals like zebra fish are able to regrow its parts has remained a mystery tp scientist for long.but researchers now claim to have found the genes that re key to the process.
if zebra fish loses chunk of its tail fin it regrows the fin back within a week. a study has revealed some of the genes responsible for the cellular pathways that helps in the regeneration. it would help to underatand ho the process takes place inother coldblooded animals,such as lizards,newts and frogs.veterinary and medcal scientist wonder if warm blooded animals that evolved from these simpler creatures,might still have untapped regenerative powers hiden in their genes.
if zebra fish loses chunk of its tail fin it regrows the fin back within a week. a study has revealed some of the genes responsible for the cellular pathways that helps in the regeneration. it would help to underatand ho the process takes place inother coldblooded animals,such as lizards,newts and frogs.veterinary and medcal scientist wonder if warm blooded animals that evolved from these simpler creatures,might still have untapped regenerative powers hiden in their genes.
James Bond will soon be subject of a scentific study

Monies on the fictional briish super agent james bond have ad no trouble captiating the french public.nom however in an attempt to showpeople that 007 was first a literary character and an important one at that academics from the french national library,the universities of nanterre and versallies and european centre for audiovisual writingare getting togethr for a three day conference where the topic is creator IAN Fleming.
oganisers of the conference insist that Ian Fleming's novels have not recived the same kind of scientific attention that they merit, and that with the three day session they will be trying to show how much of an influence ha had on british identity,capitalism,geopolitics,gastronomy and sexuality.
oganisers of the conference insist that Ian Fleming's novels have not recived the same kind of scientific attention that they merit, and that with the three day session they will be trying to show how much of an influence ha had on british identity,capitalism,geopolitics,gastronomy and sexuality.
why, CPM against execution of saddam?
Are the communists really against the death penalty as such on humnitarian groun lik vatican? no ,because they want project their opposing attitude against US as well as they want take political advantage from particular community.they want use the proper chance that 's history they killed many humen being in the name of autocracy /democracy or principle of communism.the king of the communism ,,china it self executing about 50000-120000 people a year,reports revealed.
Another nuke test from north korea!
A satellie image of Gilju,on north korea's north east coast around 110 km from chinese border,in this file photo.on friday south korean officials said that activity has been spotted near the test site but there is no evidence to suggest pyongyang is about to test another atomic device .meanwhile,US oficials say north korea appears to have made preparationfor another nuclear test. we think they have put everything in place to conduct a test without any notice or warming,an unidentified US defence oficial was quoted as saying by ABC news.
cautioned the intelligence is inconclusive as to whether north korea will actually go ahead with another test but said the preparations are similar to the steps taken by pyongyang before it shocked the world by conducting its first nuclear test last october.
cautioned the intelligence is inconclusive as to whether north korea will actually go ahead with another test but said the preparations are similar to the steps taken by pyongyang before it shocked the world by conducting its first nuclear test last october.
Lost lakes of titan are found at last
lakes of methane have been spotted on saturn's largest moon. titan. boosting the the theory that this strange, distant world bears similarities to earth according to a new study in the british weekly journal nature.
titan has long intrigued space scientists as it is the only moon in the solar system to have a dense atmos,which like earth's mainly comprises nitrogen.
titan atmos. is also rich in methane, although the source for this vast store of hyrdrocarbon is unclear.methane has a relatively limited life. a molecule of the compoun lasts several tens of millions of years before it is broken up by sunlight.
scientist believe that titan has a methane cycle a system that is like the water cycle on earth,in which the liquid evaporates,cools and condenses and then falls as rain,replenshing the ssurface liquid.
titan has long intrigued space scientists as it is the only moon in the solar system to have a dense atmos,which like earth's mainly comprises nitrogen.
titan atmos. is also rich in methane, although the source for this vast store of hyrdrocarbon is unclear.methane has a relatively limited life. a molecule of the compoun lasts several tens of millions of years before it is broken up by sunlight.
scientist believe that titan has a methane cycle a system that is like the water cycle on earth,in which the liquid evaporates,cools and condenses and then falls as rain,replenshing the ssurface liquid.
Thursday, January 4, 2007
An unexpected side effect from IT boom movement
The IT boom in hyderabad has had an unexpected side effect-IT professionals are losing interest in sex, say city based sexologists.
speaking on the sidelines of the first international congress on lifespan sexuality.sexologist said that men were fast losing inerest in sex and contributing to incresing divorce rate in the city.
Dr. prakash, who has offered consultation to over ,45000 patients in the city, said that the trend has resulted in more women visiting sexologists seeking a solution to the not only avoid sex but also talking about it with their partners leading to martial discord.
however, it is not men seeking a solution to the problem. while most women visit sexologist with their parents,their partners rarely accompany them.
speaking on the sidelines of the first international congress on lifespan sexuality.sexologist said that men were fast losing inerest in sex and contributing to incresing divorce rate in the city.
Dr. prakash, who has offered consultation to over ,45000 patients in the city, said that the trend has resulted in more women visiting sexologists seeking a solution to the not only avoid sex but also talking about it with their partners leading to martial discord.
however, it is not men seeking a solution to the problem. while most women visit sexologist with their parents,their partners rarely accompany them.
this was the words of saddam hussain
'you have done enough for your country.donot go back .i will pay you whatever you want tobuild a nulear weaopen for iraq. i expect you to honour the offer ' this was a strict order given by saddam to the father of india's nulear bobm raja ramanna in 1978 when he visited iraq.
when saddam made the offer rammanna remained non committal.considering saddam's reputation for brutally doing away with those who opposed him,ramanna naturally became a bit nervous ans wondered how to wriggle out of the situation.
later he went back to hie hotel and spent a sleepless night absolutely convicted the iraqi leader would succeed in blocking his departure. from bagdad.
ramanna managed to escape from saddam's cluches ,slipped out of the hotel quietly, dashed off to the airport and boarded a flight to india.
he met indira gandi and informed about the saddam 's offer .but mrs. gandi advised not to involved his nulcear weapons progrmme.
when saddam made the offer rammanna remained non committal.considering saddam's reputation for brutally doing away with those who opposed him,ramanna naturally became a bit nervous ans wondered how to wriggle out of the situation.
later he went back to hie hotel and spent a sleepless night absolutely convicted the iraqi leader would succeed in blocking his departure. from bagdad.
ramanna managed to escape from saddam's cluches ,slipped out of the hotel quietly, dashed off to the airport and boarded a flight to india.
he met indira gandi and informed about the saddam 's offer .but mrs. gandi advised not to involved his nulcear weapons progrmme.
Oasis for stressed executives

A scientific wildlife resort in assam is turning out to be the favourite destination for burnt out executives of leading pvt and public sectors companies.
Patasali eco camp ,located near the 200 Nameri national park, about 220 km north,is one of the hot spots for these behavioural anti stress approaches.
this is a new thing for us to find teams of company executives booking the resort for a couple of days. the entire stay here is aimed at de stressing their personnel by way of various games,pep talks and adveture joint director of the potasali eco camp, said.
Patasali eco camp ,located near the 200 Nameri national park, about 220 km north,is one of the hot spots for these behavioural anti stress approaches.
this is a new thing for us to find teams of company executives booking the resort for a couple of days. the entire stay here is aimed at de stressing their personnel by way of various games,pep talks and adveture joint director of the potasali eco camp, said.
Amazing ! but true, not imagenary
One man creat his own village with his family members.asixty year old man from Mozoram marries 50 times and fathers 109 children.this family of 180 members in mozoram makes one complete village ,name Baktawng,90 km north of state capital Aizawl. 64 year old patriach Ziona presides over 180 members including his scores of wives and over a hundred children.
yes, Ziona heads the village. his family could be the largest joint family in the world.
the villagers said Guiness book of world records officials recently tried to put ziona into their records for getting married the highest number of women.but the effort failed because he refused to pose for photograph.
we build a societ tat is more tolerant of personal differences in views and thought and where people appreciate and carry forward the value of mutual respect,loveand cooperation, ziona said.we are a very happy and self reliant family. ziona's first wife zathiangi who is two years older than him,said. samart and good looking 26 year old huntharnghaki is the latest mizo girl who got married to ziona this year, and become a mother too.
this village has its own school,a play ground,carpentary workshop,piggery and poultry farms besides paddy fields and a vegetable garden big enough to feed the entire family.
about 20 kg of rice and atleast 10 chickens are cooked daily to feed the giant family, whose main source of income is from carpentry.
we did not want any help from the govt. the members of the church had built the stadium without help from others.teachers working in our school belong to our church and teach volintarily ,the eldest son said.
can you comment about this?,here keeping one women as a wife not easy
yes, Ziona heads the village. his family could be the largest joint family in the world.
the villagers said Guiness book of world records officials recently tried to put ziona into their records for getting married the highest number of women.but the effort failed because he refused to pose for photograph.
we build a societ tat is more tolerant of personal differences in views and thought and where people appreciate and carry forward the value of mutual respect,loveand cooperation, ziona said.we are a very happy and self reliant family. ziona's first wife zathiangi who is two years older than him,said. samart and good looking 26 year old huntharnghaki is the latest mizo girl who got married to ziona this year, and become a mother too.
this village has its own school,a play ground,carpentary workshop,piggery and poultry farms besides paddy fields and a vegetable garden big enough to feed the entire family.
about 20 kg of rice and atleast 10 chickens are cooked daily to feed the giant family, whose main source of income is from carpentry.
we did not want any help from the govt. the members of the church had built the stadium without help from others.teachers working in our school belong to our church and teach volintarily ,the eldest son said.
can you comment about this?,here keeping one women as a wife not easy
Wednesday, January 3, 2007
Indian economy will boost up to himalayan high level
Within 2 years the sensex youch 20000 point level. domestic equity market have witnessed a steady rise in the last four years.the bsc sensex gained 44% in 2006 alone.Now indian markets not affecting the foreign market fallen or rise. the stabiltiy of indian market indicating the boosting the indian economy.
india's economie growth remains buoyant, with real GDP growth at 9.1%.inadia is continues to be second fastest growing economy in th e world after china.after completion of urban infrastructure development india move towards higher levels of sustaianble growth.
the overall long term trend remains positive.many believe that the future growth of india for next two decades will have no parallels in the annals of economic history. expect in china.
the continues terrorist attack cannot destabilise the indian economy . many economic malpractice created by pakistan is not destabilising the our system.
obligationto times of india
india's economie growth remains buoyant, with real GDP growth at 9.1%.inadia is continues to be second fastest growing economy in th e world after china.after completion of urban infrastructure development india move towards higher levels of sustaianble growth.
the overall long term trend remains positive.many believe that the future growth of india for next two decades will have no parallels in the annals of economic history. expect in china.
the continues terrorist attack cannot destabilise the indian economy . many economic malpractice created by pakistan is not destabilising the our system.
obligationto times of india
can india win the cricket world cup?

dravid's boys have had a bad run days i ODI's ,but the selectors have stepped in at the right time to make some much needed changes in the squad.look at the way the team bounced back in the first test in SA.but you cannot win the world cup without experienced players like ganguly,kumble,zaheer khan and laxman.
world cup is not far away and we have only 8 more ODI's to play-all at home against WI and sri lanka.
the biggest concers are not the opening combination like sachi &dravid in olden days of cricket. india will need yuvraj and dhoni in front raw.
if team to play with heart and tenacity. once the winning mometum pick up this team can be a handful for any opposition.
I f all team mmbers are in good play mood,then there is world cup with india.
world cup is not far away and we have only 8 more ODI's to play-all at home against WI and sri lanka.
the biggest concers are not the opening combination like sachi &dravid in olden days of cricket. india will need yuvraj and dhoni in front raw.
if team to play with heart and tenacity. once the winning mometum pick up this team can be a handful for any opposition.
I f all team mmbers are in good play mood,then there is world cup with india.
what is the vision of butterfly?

buttterflies are very nearsighted.while they can spot colour.they cannot recognise patterns.their vision is monocular.however nature has made up for this in other ways .some species of BF have a visual field of about 344 degrees on the horizontal plane -only 16 degrees short of seeing all the way around its body.and vertically a full o 360 degrees
the average human has a visual fieldof only 190 degrees.this widefield of vision helps protect them from predators ,particularly birds.
a study from arizon university by ecologist ron rutowski reporting.
the average human has a visual fieldof only 190 degrees.this widefield of vision helps protect them from predators ,particularly birds.
a study from arizon university by ecologist ron rutowski reporting.
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