my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

my indiasite and mypeopleonearth

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Or is casual sex cooler? Read on to decide between romp and romance
The term ‘casual sex implies there’s no commitment to the other person. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no sense of responsibility or care, in a casual encounter you’re more likely to focus on the here and now. You can enjoy the moment without much thought about what your partner thinks of you or what you think of them. Without the emotional complications of a relationship, you’re free to concentrate on physical satisfaction.SeK with a stranger—for many people, unfamiliarity is the key to casual sex. They find the mystery exciting and if there’s no chance of meeting again, inhibitions can be cast aside. It offers the chance to take on a new identity and act out a secret fantasy with little fear of rejection or shame.Experimental risks —The lure of casual sex lies in the fear of the unknown. Trying new things, positions and personas, there is a sense of being naughty, of tasting the forbidden fruit. Sometimes, people even try out different places (public and private) to add to the appeal and satisfaction of casual sex.
Psychological reasons some people pick up messages during childhood that casual sex is wrong (and therefore more exciting). Others have been. leftwith a fear of intimacy bytliir experiences: i.e. a broken heart or a shamelessly carefree libido.Physical reasons — when we take risks and feel fear, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Breathing becomes faster, blood pressure rises and adrenalin is released. Our body enters a state of high alert. If you add sexual messages at this point, the body will respond faster.
Italian scientists have discovered that the biochemical state offalling in love is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder. Theyearning of couples to be together and learn about each other inintimate detail is overwhelming. They grab every opportunity to show affection and get as close as possible to one another.During this period sex can be very exciting. There’s still some of the mystery of casual sex and also some risk. The difference is that sex is more mutual when we’ve fallen in love. It’s about givirig and sharing ourselves physically and emotionally. As well as sexual satisfaction, we can expect to feel emotionaifulfilment. Sex becomes the ultimate act of intimacy.
Those Italian scientists say thebrain returns to normal after six to 18 months. It seems it’s not physically possible to stay in that manic state of obsession with a partner for much longer ban that. It’s then that we either fall out of love or the relationship matures.When a relationship matures, sex matures. You now have the advantage of knowing each other well. Fear of rejection is replaced with trust and security. This allows you to move Into a stage of experimentation and mutual growth. You can take the time to fine-tune your skills as a lover.
Sex can be exciting whether or not you’re in love, and at any stage of a relationship. Sex in a loving relationship offers an opportunity to grow together and become great lovers. It may not be possible to recapture the mystery of casual sex but there’s a much higher chance of all-round fulfilment.
Casual sex: risk, mystery, urgency and focus on the physical. Early love: mutual feelings, yearning, giving, affection and focus on physical satisfaction and emotional fulfilment.Long-term relationship: knowledge, trust, skill, experimentation and focus on deepening physical and emotional satisfaction.
This article collected from mumbai mirror published recently.

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