That evening I was alone with my moments.I was young with very suspicious age with my problems.suddenly a horror atmosphere formed in my mind as well suurouning .oh the moments my mind totally diverted with Dracula.bruceelle"s style pictures are decorated with me .after that i was runing after with so many Dracula's stories.
Draculla 's castle does exist and known as the bran castle. that's because bran stoker ,who authored draculla ,based his fictional vampires castle on this one,located near brasov in romania. though there is no proof that vlad tepes ever lived there ,historicalaccounts suggest that he was imprisoned in its dungeon for two days by the trucks who had captured the area.
I am george varghese, from God's own country, south state of india and land of ayurveda.Loving green world and observing nature's voice and movement watching world political events,human life science ,searching bloggers for sharing knowledge.seekng god's creation. The thrill of life is hunting of difficulties?
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
Friday, March 30, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
who will be the next bill gates?
US survey responents are confident next IT leader willbe from ASIA.a new survey of internet attitudein the us showed that nearly half of all americans believe that the next IT leader will from, china,japan or india.the nexy bill gates has already been borned and time will tell what country is providing the environment of innovation.enterprenership,and opportunity to enable him to flourish with next great cartoon on blog run by 463 cimmunications had a headline that next bill gates is currently studying maths in beijing
How zebra fish regrow their fin?

How some animals like zebra fish are able to regrow its parts has remained a mystery scientist for long.but researchers now claim to have found the genes that re key to the process.if zebra fish loses chunk of its tail fin it regrows the fin back within a week. a study has revealed some of the genes responsible for the cellular pathways that helps in the regeneration. it would help to underatand how the process takes place in other coldblooded animals,such as lizards,newts and frogs.veterinary and medcal scientist wonder if warm blooded animals that evolved from these simpler creatures,might still have untapped regenerative powers hiden in their genes.collected from timesofindia daily.
Saturday, March 24, 2007
a wonderful forest from kerala

Shenduruny Wildlife SanctuaryRemember the last time you had a really wild time This month, we invite you for another bash in a tropical semi-evergreen forest! For company, youll have some die-hard party animals - elephants, tigers, leopards, bisons, sambar, wild boar, lion-tailed macaques, langurs, deer - and most of the other regular inhabitants of a wild, West Coast tropical evergreen forest.The Shenduruny forest - declared a wildlife sanctuary in 1984 gets its name from an endemic species of tree called Chenkuruny (Gluta travancoria). In the central region of this moist, mixed deciduous forest, spread over hilly terrain of over 100 sq km, is the 26 sq km artificial lake formed by the Parappar dam built across the Shenduruny and Kulathupuzha rivers.But beautiful surroundings guaranteed to give those exhausted batteries a recharge is not all that the forest is famous for. According to some recent archaeological studies, Shenduruny was the cradle of one of the oldest river valley civilizations in India - one older than even the Indus Valley which dates from 4400 - 3700 BC! Paintings similar to those of the Mesolithic period (5210 - 4420 BC) found in the caves of central India, have been excavated from a cave, large enough to hold 20 people, in the northwestern part of the river.Getting thereBy road: 66 km from Kollam town on the Kollam - Shencotta Road, in Pathanapuram taluk of Kollam district.Nearest railway station: Thenmala connected with Chennai, Mumbai, Delhi and Kashmir.Nearest airport: Thiruvananthapuram 72 km away in kerala of india. for visit contact me
Monday, March 19, 2007
concept of Rebirth
Is there any scientific proof to confirm the
Reincarnation holds the notion that some essential part of a living being can survive death in some form,with its interity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. this is often referred to as the spirit or soul in such beliefs a new personality is developed during each life,based on past integrated experience and new acquired experiences,but some part of the being remains constantly present through successive lives.many persons have claimed to record memories of past lives.Dr. Ian stevenson has researched the subject extensively but it hasnot been proven scientifically.collected from times of india,harsh chester.
posted by Science hunter at 5:39 AM
Saturday, March 17, 2007
costliest divorce in history
London: Five months after denying Incorrect and hurtful” reports of an insminent spilt, Russia’s richest man, billionaire Roman Abrainovich, has confirmed his 16-year marriage to wife Irma is over.In what may be one of the most costly divorces in history the pair issued a statement saying Abramovich’s corporate interests—which include Britain’s Chelsea Football Club—would not however be affected.
“Mr and Mrs Abramovich have divorced in Russia on a consensual basis and have agreed terms in respect of arrangements for their (five) children and a fmancial settlement,” the statement said, without giving any details. The divorce follows newspaper reports that Abramovich has been seen with a young Russian model, Dana Zhukova.British newspapers, many of which ran the story on their front pages, said Irina Abramovich could get as much as half of her husband’s estimated $18.7 billion fortune and said it was the biggest divorce settlement in the world.Experts on divorce law said a 50/50 split of wealth accrued during the marriage would be normal procedure inRussia. “Russian divorce law is pretty straightforward. You must equally split all property and assets
which have been amassed since you have been married,” said a lawyer at a major Western legal firm in MoscowAbramovich, an orphan, split from his first wife, Olga, in 1990 and married Irma in 1991. The 40-year-old, who built up his fortune mostly from oil and aluminum businesses during the chaos that followed the fall of the Soviet Union, has become the poster boy for Russia’s oligarchs, known for savvy business deals and sumptuous living. AGENCIES
“Mr and Mrs Abramovich have divorced in Russia on a consensual basis and have agreed terms in respect of arrangements for their (five) children and a fmancial settlement,” the statement said, without giving any details. The divorce follows newspaper reports that Abramovich has been seen with a young Russian model, Dana Zhukova.British newspapers, many of which ran the story on their front pages, said Irina Abramovich could get as much as half of her husband’s estimated $18.7 billion fortune and said it was the biggest divorce settlement in the world.Experts on divorce law said a 50/50 split of wealth accrued during the marriage would be normal procedure inRussia. “Russian divorce law is pretty straightforward. You must equally split all property and assets
which have been amassed since you have been married,” said a lawyer at a major Western legal firm in MoscowAbramovich, an orphan, split from his first wife, Olga, in 1990 and married Irma in 1991. The 40-year-old, who built up his fortune mostly from oil and aluminum businesses during the chaos that followed the fall of the Soviet Union, has become the poster boy for Russia’s oligarchs, known for savvy business deals and sumptuous living. AGENCIES
Be cautious -now, Lie detector is in your computer only
A new lie detector software from Israel says it can show you -across the internet.a user of the lie detector needs to talk for 15 seconds to calibrate their voice,then sound waves start to peak if stress levels are high,a light flashes from green to red and a needle jumps on a scale.the lie dtector however warns users when they are being monitored to avoid legal problems said alex rosenbaum of company. now the further attempt to stretch the possibilities of their of internet ,and for now-like many internet start ups-it offers the product for free through net.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
are you aware? your cell phone can kill you

A cell phone ignited in a man's pocket and started a fire that burned his hotel room and cause severe burns over half his body,fire department officials said.Luis Picaso was in stable condition on Monday with second and third degree burns to his upper body ,back right arm and rt.leg , fire fighters arrived at the residential hotel on Saturday night to find Picasso lying on the bathroom floor after a malfunctioning cell phone in his pants pocket set fore to his nylon and pollster clothes.the flames spread to a plastic chair,setting off a sprinkler that held the fire in check. authorities declined to name the phone's mfg and reported in various papers
Saturday, March 10, 2007

A t the age of 84, /4 America’s grand A. .k man of letters Norman Mailer has lost nothing of his appetite for controversy. His latest novel, The Castle In The Forest, tackles the childhood of Adolf Hitler.The book tells how two-year-old Adolf watched his father whip a dog with “a look of remarkable intensity for one so small”. And how, as a six-year-old, he went into the woods by himself “to work on the power of Adolf Hitler his voice. He would roarat the trees until his throat was sore”.Perhaps the most chilling passage is when Adolf causes the death of his younger brother, Edmund, by deliberately infecting him with measles by kissing him. But above all, the novel poses a central question:“When did evil enter Hitler’s soul?”And it provides an unequivocal answer: at the moment of conception.This, of course, is a dotty idea. For a start, the use of the word evil—which is associated with the occult and the Devil—is pure laziness because evil implies conduct that is so bad we can never explain it.But more importantly, Mailer’s novel does raise the issue of whether Hitler was predisposed at birth to be a genocidal tyrant. Or to put it another way, whether people can be born bad—whether it is in-evitable that some individuals will turn out to be murderers or rapists or bullies or thieves and there is nothing that can be done about it.Coincidentally, a so- called scientific study from the University of Virginia this week reached the conclusion that children may be “born to be bad”.But I believe this conclusion to be completely misguided. And I come to this conclusion having spent a lifetime studying truly bad people—I wrote the biography of the north London mass murderer Dennis Nilsen, for example, and came to know him well.Virginia’s experts in human genetics would have us believe that character defects such as criminal behaviour, the desire to bully others and the necessity to tell lies despite all evidence that one has been rumbled are tied up in our DNA.They have little or nothing to do withinfluences that may bombard us in our infancy. Thus, there is little virtue in trying to be a good child, because the programming of your personality has decided in advance that you can’t win.Forget about the soul, It is all to do with the ingredients that were thrown in by your parents, and by theirs, and soon ad infinitum.The result is a soup which cannot be unmixed. DAILY MAILAre some people born to be bad?
collected from times of india, written by brain masters
Scientists And New Book On Hitler Say Some Of Us Are Predisposed To Be Evil At Birth
Brian Masters
collected from times of india, written by brain masters
Scientists And New Book On Hitler Say Some Of Us Are Predisposed To Be Evil At Birth
Brian Masters
Or is casual sex cooler? Read on to decide between romp and romance
The term ‘casual sex implies there’s no commitment to the other person. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no sense of responsibility or care, in a casual encounter you’re more likely to focus on the here and now. You can enjoy the moment without much thought about what your partner thinks of you or what you think of them. Without the emotional complications of a relationship, you’re free to concentrate on physical satisfaction.SeK with a stranger—for many people, unfamiliarity is the key to casual sex. They find the mystery exciting and if there’s no chance of meeting again, inhibitions can be cast aside. It offers the chance to take on a new identity and act out a secret fantasy with little fear of rejection or shame.Experimental risks —The lure of casual sex lies in the fear of the unknown. Trying new things, positions and personas, there is a sense of being naughty, of tasting the forbidden fruit. Sometimes, people even try out different places (public and private) to add to the appeal and satisfaction of casual sex.
Psychological reasons some people pick up messages during childhood that casual sex is wrong (and therefore more exciting). Others have been. leftwith a fear of intimacy bytliir experiences: i.e. a broken heart or a shamelessly carefree libido.Physical reasons — when we take risks and feel fear, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Breathing becomes faster, blood pressure rises and adrenalin is released. Our body enters a state of high alert. If you add sexual messages at this point, the body will respond faster.
Italian scientists have discovered that the biochemical state offalling in love is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder. Theyearning of couples to be together and learn about each other inintimate detail is overwhelming. They grab every opportunity to show affection and get as close as possible to one another.During this period sex can be very exciting. There’s still some of the mystery of casual sex and also some risk. The difference is that sex is more mutual when we’ve fallen in love. It’s about givirig and sharing ourselves physically and emotionally. As well as sexual satisfaction, we can expect to feel emotionaifulfilment. Sex becomes the ultimate act of intimacy.
Those Italian scientists say thebrain returns to normal after six to 18 months. It seems it’s not physically possible to stay in that manic state of obsession with a partner for much longer ban that. It’s then that we either fall out of love or the relationship matures.When a relationship matures, sex matures. You now have the advantage of knowing each other well. Fear of rejection is replaced with trust and security. This allows you to move Into a stage of experimentation and mutual growth. You can take the time to fine-tune your skills as a lover.
Sex can be exciting whether or not you’re in love, and at any stage of a relationship. Sex in a loving relationship offers an opportunity to grow together and become great lovers. It may not be possible to recapture the mystery of casual sex but there’s a much higher chance of all-round fulfilment.
Casual sex: risk, mystery, urgency and focus on the physical. Early love: mutual feelings, yearning, giving, affection and focus on physical satisfaction and emotional fulfilment.Long-term relationship: knowledge, trust, skill, experimentation and focus on deepening physical and emotional satisfaction.
This article collected from mumbai mirror published recently.
The term ‘casual sex implies there’s no commitment to the other person. Although this doesn’t necessarily mean there’s no sense of responsibility or care, in a casual encounter you’re more likely to focus on the here and now. You can enjoy the moment without much thought about what your partner thinks of you or what you think of them. Without the emotional complications of a relationship, you’re free to concentrate on physical satisfaction.SeK with a stranger—for many people, unfamiliarity is the key to casual sex. They find the mystery exciting and if there’s no chance of meeting again, inhibitions can be cast aside. It offers the chance to take on a new identity and act out a secret fantasy with little fear of rejection or shame.Experimental risks —The lure of casual sex lies in the fear of the unknown. Trying new things, positions and personas, there is a sense of being naughty, of tasting the forbidden fruit. Sometimes, people even try out different places (public and private) to add to the appeal and satisfaction of casual sex.
Psychological reasons some people pick up messages during childhood that casual sex is wrong (and therefore more exciting). Others have been. leftwith a fear of intimacy bytliir experiences: i.e. a broken heart or a shamelessly carefree libido.Physical reasons — when we take risks and feel fear, the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated. Breathing becomes faster, blood pressure rises and adrenalin is released. Our body enters a state of high alert. If you add sexual messages at this point, the body will respond faster.
Italian scientists have discovered that the biochemical state offalling in love is similar to obsessive compulsive disorder. Theyearning of couples to be together and learn about each other inintimate detail is overwhelming. They grab every opportunity to show affection and get as close as possible to one another.During this period sex can be very exciting. There’s still some of the mystery of casual sex and also some risk. The difference is that sex is more mutual when we’ve fallen in love. It’s about givirig and sharing ourselves physically and emotionally. As well as sexual satisfaction, we can expect to feel emotionaifulfilment. Sex becomes the ultimate act of intimacy.
Those Italian scientists say thebrain returns to normal after six to 18 months. It seems it’s not physically possible to stay in that manic state of obsession with a partner for much longer ban that. It’s then that we either fall out of love or the relationship matures.When a relationship matures, sex matures. You now have the advantage of knowing each other well. Fear of rejection is replaced with trust and security. This allows you to move Into a stage of experimentation and mutual growth. You can take the time to fine-tune your skills as a lover.
Sex can be exciting whether or not you’re in love, and at any stage of a relationship. Sex in a loving relationship offers an opportunity to grow together and become great lovers. It may not be possible to recapture the mystery of casual sex but there’s a much higher chance of all-round fulfilment.
Casual sex: risk, mystery, urgency and focus on the physical. Early love: mutual feelings, yearning, giving, affection and focus on physical satisfaction and emotional fulfilment.Long-term relationship: knowledge, trust, skill, experimentation and focus on deepening physical and emotional satisfaction.
This article collected from mumbai mirror published recently.
Friday, March 9, 2007
Love's not in the air
By Harshikaa Udasi
you win some. You lose some,” these words of Delna Pastakia, 23, managementstudent and salsa instructor, best sum up the status report on how women handle relationships. Whether she is 21 or 29, the new age woman has definitely found her voice and expresses herself vociferously. At the same time, it is surprising to see that she is also not willing to hurt her family (much to the relief of traditionalists who would rather hear a coy yes than a brash no).
Relationships do matter for the girls, but for those who expect a domesticated conformist at the other end, watch out! The new age girl is just sharpening her talons. There are enough ifs and buts involved in every statement, an argument where there was none before and a problem for every traditional solution. They think aloud. They assert their opinions. And they do as they will. At least that is the pattern most of the times.
Delna’s love for dance began when she was 16, but her parents were not too welcoming of her choice. “Obviously they were unsure of my plans. Moreover, I was an active Rotaractor which was a drain on their finances. So I decided to fund my dance education,” she says. “My parents were clueless about this.” For Delna, that meanttakingup part-time assignments that kept her out late. But she worked her way up, and four years later she became a professional salsa instructor.
When her parents found out, it came as a shocker to them. “They always thought I was far too independent and a rebel to an extent, but that their daughter had been secretly funding her dance classes on her own was a shock,” says Delna, Now, alongwith her management lessons, she is pursuing her passion and hopes to make a career of it.
Never exposed to troubles of gender discrimination at home, Delna got a rude shock after she chose marketing as her specialisation. “In my summer job with an FMCG company, I was practically demotivated daily. The sales guys would tell me that there was no need for me to get into grassroots research and interact with the retailers and distributors. Eventually, I realised it was a difficult image to break,” she adds.
Following your heart is not always an easy option for women; they may have to fight many odds at home. Greha Motaliya, 21, is doing her post-graduation in journalism, but she knows that her family will support her only till she completes her studies. “They want me to have a job with flexi-timings and journalism hardly has anything of that sort. I have no choice except to look for something that suits them,” she says. Just as she may hate the fact that parents follow different rule-books for boys and girls, she admits that her rebellion doesn’t go too far.
For some, the tug-of-war with relatives could go on for ever. Four years ago, when Shraddha Kamdar, 29, decided to take up journalism, she was single and had lost her mother. At a young age, Shraddha was put in charge of the household and she became, so to say, the lady of the house. That’s when she decided to voice her opinion. “I wanted to do what I thought would be good for me. I decided to pay for my education and move ahead. Elders of the family did not approve of my decision, and I had to snatch my freedom,” she says.
this article is published by "the week" ,a manorama publication from kerala.
you win some. You lose some,” these words of Delna Pastakia, 23, managementstudent and salsa instructor, best sum up the status report on how women handle relationships. Whether she is 21 or 29, the new age woman has definitely found her voice and expresses herself vociferously. At the same time, it is surprising to see that she is also not willing to hurt her family (much to the relief of traditionalists who would rather hear a coy yes than a brash no).
Relationships do matter for the girls, but for those who expect a domesticated conformist at the other end, watch out! The new age girl is just sharpening her talons. There are enough ifs and buts involved in every statement, an argument where there was none before and a problem for every traditional solution. They think aloud. They assert their opinions. And they do as they will. At least that is the pattern most of the times.
Delna’s love for dance began when she was 16, but her parents were not too welcoming of her choice. “Obviously they were unsure of my plans. Moreover, I was an active Rotaractor which was a drain on their finances. So I decided to fund my dance education,” she says. “My parents were clueless about this.” For Delna, that meanttakingup part-time assignments that kept her out late. But she worked her way up, and four years later she became a professional salsa instructor.
When her parents found out, it came as a shocker to them. “They always thought I was far too independent and a rebel to an extent, but that their daughter had been secretly funding her dance classes on her own was a shock,” says Delna, Now, alongwith her management lessons, she is pursuing her passion and hopes to make a career of it.
Never exposed to troubles of gender discrimination at home, Delna got a rude shock after she chose marketing as her specialisation. “In my summer job with an FMCG company, I was practically demotivated daily. The sales guys would tell me that there was no need for me to get into grassroots research and interact with the retailers and distributors. Eventually, I realised it was a difficult image to break,” she adds.
Following your heart is not always an easy option for women; they may have to fight many odds at home. Greha Motaliya, 21, is doing her post-graduation in journalism, but she knows that her family will support her only till she completes her studies. “They want me to have a job with flexi-timings and journalism hardly has anything of that sort. I have no choice except to look for something that suits them,” she says. Just as she may hate the fact that parents follow different rule-books for boys and girls, she admits that her rebellion doesn’t go too far.
For some, the tug-of-war with relatives could go on for ever. Four years ago, when Shraddha Kamdar, 29, decided to take up journalism, she was single and had lost her mother. At a young age, Shraddha was put in charge of the household and she became, so to say, the lady of the house. That’s when she decided to voice her opinion. “I wanted to do what I thought would be good for me. I decided to pay for my education and move ahead. Elders of the family did not approve of my decision, and I had to snatch my freedom,” she says.
this article is published by "the week" ,a manorama publication from kerala.
eternal embrace
A pair of human skeletons lie in an eternal embrace at an Neolithic archaeological dig site near Mantova, Italy, in this photo released on Wednesday. Archaeologists in northern Italy believe the couple was buried 5,000 to 6,000 years ago, their arms still wrapped around each other in a hug that has lasted millennia
Friday, March 2, 2007
Action video games good for eyes?
Singapore: Video game addicts, rejoice: US researchers have found that playing is actually good for your eyes, and despite all those dire warnings from your parents, it won’t make you blind.A study by the University of Rochester showed that people who played action video games for a few hours a day over the course of a month improved their vision by about 20%. “Action video game play changes the way our brains process visual information,” Daphne Baveller, professor of brain and cognitive sciences, said in the study published on the university’s web site, wwwrochesteredu, on Tuesday“These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it. That learning carries over into other activities and possibly everyday life.”Bavelier, along with a graduate student, tested a number of college students who had played very few, if any, video games in the last yearTest subjects were given an eye test similar tQ the one used at regular eye clinics and then divided into two groups — one played shoot-em-up action games for an hour a day while the control group played a less visually complex game.Their vision was tested after the study, with those who played the action game scoring better in the eye test.The researchers said their fmdings could help patients with several types of visual defects.Last week, West Virginia, which has the worst childhood obesity problem in the US, stepped up plans to use ‘Dance Dance Revolution’ to battle the bulge in its schools.The state said on Wednes- day that research suggestedthat the video game helped put a halt to weight gain. REUTERSAction videogames goodfor eyes, sayUS expertsU
C,D,E drives are in your computer ,what happened drive A &B?
Have you thought about drive A and B ? i t is simple .Initially,( Hardly two decades ago),personal computers did not have hard discs.they were equipped with two floppy drives A and B .Later a hard disk was introduced and was labelled as the C drive, Other drives like the CD drive,DVD drive,flash drive and others were labelled D. , E, etc.I f you have a computer having two floppy drives,then they are called A and B drive.collectedfromtimes of india
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