I am george varghese, from God's own country, south state of india and land of ayurveda.Loving green world and observing nature's voice and movement watching world political events,human life science ,searching bloggers for sharing knowledge.seekng god's creation. The thrill of life is hunting of difficulties?
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
my indiasite and mypeopleonearth
Monday, September 24, 2007
Is there any scientific proof to confirm the concept of rebirth?
Reincarnation holds the notion that some essential part of a living being can survive death in some form,with its interity partly or wholly retained, to be reborn in a new body. this is often referred to as the spirit or soul in such beliefs a new personality is developed during each life,based on past integrated experience and new acquired experiences,but some part of the being remains constantly present through successive lives.many persons have claimed to record memories of past lives.Dr. Ian stevenson has researched the subject extensively but it hasnot been proven scientifically.collected from times of india,harsh chester.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
monkeys will be continuing the scapegoatship for you

monkeys must continue to be used in experiments to help in the fight against AIDS,malaria etc..a lack of alternatives means primates are needed to ensure treatments are safe and effective before being tested to report. thae study commisioned by uk's royal society academy of medical sciences ,the medical researc council and welcome trust concluded there was a strong scientific case for using monkeys.but animal welfare compaigners last night called the study disgraceful.the scientific community last night welcomed the report.professor chris higins of the medical research council clinical sciences centre said,if it comes to a choice between regulated studies on a few animals and treatment for an incurable disease affecting hundreds of thousand sof people.
Femine politics in Abu Dhabi... eighth wonder
Awoman was elected to an advisory council in th e united arab emirates on sunday in the first national polls in th e gulf country.this is an honour I will carry all my life. it is proof that the emirati people are aware(politically)Amal abdulla ai- kubaissi told.she , abritish educated arhitecct in her mid 30 ,who teachers at emirates university,,came third with 265 vites according to offficials results.she said her victory showed that women's participiaton in publi life is very important.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
A giant mirror reflection is the light of the dark village

A village in the shadow of the Italian alps has installed a giant mirror on a mountainside to reflect sunshine into its main square .Viganella,in the narrow Antnona valley, north of turin, saw no sun for three months of the year before the project,reports CBS news.A 48 m2 steel sheet iscontrolled by computers to follow the path of the sun and reflect its rays down into the village square for a atleastsix hrs a day.viganella, with a population of only 197 formely suffered from a complete lack of direct sun fro november 11 to feb2. About 61 lakhs rupees cost was met by local govt.
Valueless and meaningless Marriages
51% women in US living without spouse. can you imagine?very interesting and investigative matters. for the first time more Americans ladies are living a husband than with one,says sociologists,according to a new york times analysis of census resultsIn 2005 ,51% of women said they were living without spouse ,up from 35% in 1995 and 49% in 2000.coupled with the fact that in 2005 married couples became a minority of all American house holds for the first time ,the trend could ultimately shape social and workplace polices,including the ways government and employers distribute benefits.the factors involved-at the end of the age spectrum-marrying later-living with unmarried partners for long timeat the other end women are living longer as widows and after a divorce, are more likely than men to delay remarriage.moreover only 30% of black women are living with spouse compared with about 49% of Hispanic women.-
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